
Meghan Levine

Washington, DC Office

Meghan Levine is an associate who focuses on representing PHAs and affordable housing developers in complex real estate development transactions involving a wide variety of funding sources. Meghan advises PHA and developer clients on regulatory issues concerning affordable housing development, operations, and cross-cutting regulatory requirements.  Meghan also assists in the representation of the Council of Large Public Housing Authorities and Moving to Work agencies on a broad range of regulatory, legislative, and strategic issues, including the interpretation and drafting of regulatory proposals and public comments.  

Selected Recent Transactions

  • Represented a Georgia housing authority on the RAD conversion of 207 units from public housing to project-based vouchers involving the use of 4% low-income housing tax credits, Series A and B bonds, and financing from the housing authority.
  • Represented a New York housing authority on the Section 18 disposition of 56 public housing units and the construction of 85 units of affordable, replacement housing financed in part through 9% low-income housing tax credits, project-based vouchers, and state low-income housing tax credits.
  • Assisted a Texas housing authority with its third phase of redevelopment of a former public housing site through mixed-finance public housing utilizing 9% low-income housing tax credits, HUD’s Choice Neighborhoods Initiative program funds, and HUD’s HOME Investment Partnership program funds.
  • Represented housing authorities in the negotiation of partial and full payoffs of Energy Performance Contracts with major financial lenders.
  • Assisted housing authorities in Alabama, Texas, and Virginia with relocation corrective actions required by HUD related to the RAD program and compliance with the Uniform Relocation Act.
  • Assisted project owners in Georgia, Pennsylvania, and Tennessee with the renewal of project-based Section 8 HAP Contracts.
  • Assisted in closing a RAD conversion of 179 units in Alabama from public housing to project-based rental assistance.
  • Assisted in closing RAD conversion of 64 units in Franklin, TN.

Speaking Engagements

  • Speaker, "Cross Cutting Requirements:  From Development to Operations." Reno & Cavanaugh All Attorney Meeting, May 18, 2023.
  • Speaker "Interesting Legal Lessons Learned from MTW." HDLI 2021 Spring Legal Conference, May 7, 2021.
  • Speaker, "Bootcamp: Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) Program Basics and Closing a RAD Deal." ABA Forum, October 2019.
  • Speaker, “The New Face of Affordable Housing Part II – New Inspection Rules, Moving to Work (MTW) Expansion, New ACC & CACC Provisions & More,”HDLI 2019 Spring Legal Conference, Washington, DC, May 9, 2019.
  • Moderator, “All About Relocation of Residents-URA Requirements, RAD Relocation, & More” HDLI 2018 Fall Legal Conference, Atlanta, GA, October 2018.
  • Presenter, “RAD Issues on the HUD Inspector General’s Radar” HDLI Spring Conference, Arlington, VA, May 2018.


  • Reno & Cavanaugh, Texas Dept. of Housing and Community Affairs v. Inclusive Communities Project, Inc. Summary, Maryland State Bar Association Real Property Section Blog (July 2, 2015).
  • The Competing Roles of an Attorney in a High-Profile Case: Trying a Case Inside and Outside of the Courtroom, 28 Geo. J. Legal Ethics 683 (2015).
  • Phases of Fuse: Plan & Implementing Successful Supportive Housing (Nat’l Ass’n of Counties, 2014).
  • Supportive Housing for Justice-Involved Frequent Users of County Public Systems: A Guide for County Officials (Nat’l Ass’n of Counties, 2013).

Major Prior Work Experience

  • Reno & Cavanaugh, PLLC, Summer and Academic Year Law Clerk 
  • U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, Hon. Judge Barbara J. Rothstein, Washington, DC, Legal Intern
  • D.C. Bar Pro Bono Program, Washington, DC,  Summer Law Clerk
  • National Association of Counties, Washington, DC,  Justice Associate

Awards and Professional Activities

  • Member, American Bar Association Forum on Affordable Housing and Community Development 


 Georgetown University Law Center, J.D

  • Articles Editor, Georgetown Journal of Legal Ethics 
  • Deans List 2015-2016

Vassar College, B.A. in Political Science and Urban Studies 


Bar Admission

District of Columbia Bar

New York Bar


Stanfordville, NY